For example, the Import Cost plugin runs the import-cost npm package under the hood. You can use JavaScript-based integrations in plugins, though. Because of this, you can’t build plugins for them using JavaScript or TypeScript. Both the IntelliJ Platform and WebStorm are JVM applications, written mostly in Java and Kotlin. Like all other JetBrains IDEs, WebStorm is built on top of the open source IntelliJ Platform. In part 2 and part 3 of this series, we’ll build more complex things.

In this part, we’ll cover some basic concepts for developing plugins for WebStorm and show you how to build a simple plugin without writing any code. Where do you start? How to work through if you don’t know any Java? We’ll try to answer these questions by walking you through the process of building three plugins for WebStorm. There are thousands of open APIs for extending our IDEs and dozens of ways to do one simple task for a plugin.This documentation is written for those who understand basic Java concepts.There’s comprehensive documentation on plugin development, however: If you’ve ever wondered how to build a plugin for WebStorm or any other JetBrains IDE, you might know it’s not an easy task.